What is the Mentoring Program?
Mesa Partners' Mentoring Program matches youth ages 7-17 with a mentor in our community to help provide emotional support and guidance. Often these youth are missing people in their life to be a positive role model for their success. Be it a kid's trouble in school, at home, or in their own social circles, a mentor is proven to help improve graduation rates, stress-coping, personal health, and reducing delinquency.
The Purpose of the Mentoring Program:
Provide a positive adult role model for youth
Establish communication, trust, and respect
Raise the youth's self-esteem and outlook on life
The Partners Organization Provides:
Staff support and monthly contact
Free or low-cost activities and life skills workshops
Mentor training
young people are growing up without a mentor outside their family. This is the mentoring gap in America.
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At a time when much of the focus is on what divides us, MENTOR research shows that there is something the majority of Americans agree on: mentoring relationships are powerful tools for connection and are critical to our country’s future.
Americans are overwhelmingly crossing racial, economic, and other bridges to mentor young people outside their families.
More than 80% of adults agree with government investment in mentoring, and more than 66% are already mentoring or willing to consider it.
That’s 9 million young people without a mentor outside their family to walk alongside them through their journey.
What is Involved in Becoming a Mentor?
Mentors are asked to spend 3 hours a week with their mentee which could mean a lifetime of difference to a child in need of guidance.
The first step in becoming a Partners' Mentor is effortless. Simply attend a Partners’ sponsored orientation (noncommittal). During this session, it can be determined if the program will work for you!


Who are the kids?
Our mentees are referred to us by various outside agencies. They are children, ages 7-17, who need a positive and stable adult role model in their lives.
Every mentor and child are matched based on personal interests to help ensure compatibility.
Our Impact:
2023 was a great year for the Mentoring Program and here are just a few of our accomplishments:
youth were matched
with an
adult mentor
617kids attended 96 activities
such as rafting, Get Air, and DnD
Adult volunteers spent over 11,000 hours mentoring young people in Mesa County
Positive collaborations include Western Colorado Community College and Colorado Canyons Association
As of today there are over 100 active Partnerships!
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact our amazing mentoring staff:

Blake Ammon, Program Manager
Main Phone: ext. 101

Main phone: ext. 106

Mary D'Amico, Case Manager
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Main Phone ext. 108
Main phone: ext. 109
Main phone: (970) 245-5555